Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you all had a great holiday period with family and friends and had time to relax and kick back and to reflect on your goals for this coming year ahead.
Here at ThriveCart our goal for this year is to help YOU achieve your goals in your business!
We are very proud that last year we took the ThriveCart platform from an initial concept to a platform that has processed millions of dollars in sales for its ‘pilot program’ early access userbase already!
We also released over 30 updates and new features for the platform in the last 3 months of 2016 alone!!
(Not bad for a platform that hasn’t even been released publicly yet!)
We are putting our love, blood, sweat and tears into the platform and we’re hugely excited about what’s coming next for ThriveCart.
I want to thank all of you who are part of the early access group for putting your faith in us.
It’s hugely rewarding hearing your success stories and hearing how ThriveCart is benefitting and improving your business on a daily basis.
Here at ThriveCart we hold firm to the mindset of ‘product over profits’. This means that whatever is best for our users and for the platform itself is what we do. We believe that profits are then a byproduct of that mindset and focus, rather than the goal itself. This means we may take longer making sure the platform is right, or the foundation for growth or a specific part of the platform is stronger and more flexible than competing platforms. But in the end, we believe that this investment into the platform and into your success as users pays itself back many times and with that said, let’s move on and look at some of the exciting updates we have coming up for ThriveCart!
The Affiliate Center
This is the big one for many of you (including us) and we have been working flat out on this. As a company we will never roll out something that isn’t ready, and whilst nothing is ever completely ‘finished’ (because things can always be improved) we wanted to make the affiliate center something that works how it SHOULD work and that simply hasn’t been done before… We also wanted to create a VERY solid foundation to build on top of, for all of your businesses moving forward.
I am proud to say we have done that and the affiliate center will set the new bar for this type of platform.
This could have been a stand-alone platform with its own pricing… that’s how powerful this is and I am proud to say we are now on the home stretch.
We have deliberately avoided giving a release date and have only ever given estimates due to the complexity of what we are doing, but we are looking good for roll out of the affiliate center towards the end of this month. I’m very excited to begin to show you guys the affiliate center over the next week or so. (I’ll be shooting some behind the scenes videos)
Physical Product Support
Once the affiliate center is released, this is our next key focus. Work has already begun and we have lots of exciting things planned.
More info will come once the affiliate center rolls out, but this is a big priority for us and an area we are already working on.
New payment processor/membership platform integrations
We are working on these as we speak and over the first quarter of this year you can expect to see more platforms supported. We know Authorize.net, MemberHub (or EverLesson as it has been renamed) and Drip, are some of the most popular requests, (Along with a handful of others).
We are very focused on ThriveCart being the most ‘connected platform’ out there.
And the above is just the start…
The Public Launch Of ThriveCart
Of course, over the coming months, ThriveCart will be released to the public and move out of its pilot program ‘early access’ phase. Pricing will change at that point and we will be keeping you updated with how you can make some great commissions helping spread the word about ThriveCart!
Stay up to date with new developments
You can keep up to date here at our blog (blog.thrivecart.com) and we will be posting regularly this year to keep you updated on upcoming features and integrations and also share advice on how to get the most out of ThriveCart.
Industry Trends and inside info
We have seen some very interesting patterns and trends across the platform when it comes to conversions and I will be sharing some of this ‘inside info’ with those of you who are in the private ‘pilot program’ group in a special report, soon.
So there you have it, we have already hit 2017 running and don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon!
2017 is the year ThriveCart sets new standards in the industry and helps more people than ever achieve their goals!
So, here’s to a successful new year for everyone!
The whole team here at ThriveCart HQ is fully focused on making sure ThriveCart goes from strength to strength this year and helps you achieve your goals for 2017!
Can’t wait for all your new updates!
Please let’s get Drip ASAP =)
Yes, Drip integration is important!
Do you think RTL language support will be available soon as well?
Do you think RTL language support will be available soon as well?
Custom Page Upsells is a big need with regard to the industry, Any signs of it?
Agree with this
Great work. Hoping for SEPA or manual payments – very important for european sales …
Guys, no real updates since november and no communication at all. Are you still alive?
Hi Marzio,
Thanks for your thoughts, but I can confirm we are very much alive and so is ThriveCart.
Whilst our blog may not be updated regularly the same is not the case with ThriveCart platform. Our focus is the platform, we’ve not launch publicly, we’re still in our private pilot program, and unlike some platforms out there… marketing comes second to the actual product.
So whilst the blog may not be bustling with updates, the product (what’s important) is.
End of January we rolled out a HUGE update to the platform containing the affiliate platform that offers functionality that no other cart affiliate platform offers, a few weeks after that we rolled out another update with new features for the affiliate platform.
We’re also wrapping up another update due for release imminently.
Thanks Mario, feel free to contact us on support@thrivecart.com if you have any questions.