
Making it even easier to integrate with ThriveCart!

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If you’ve ever needed to pass data through alongside an order, we’ve now made this easier than ever before! Passthrough variables are easy to send inside the checkout URL that you send your customers to, and now, this data is included in all our webhook notifications relating to this order!

So now if you need to include information to identify the customer from inside your own system, or any other type of info you want to associate with an order, you’ll get it back again in the form of webhooks as well as within the success URL that the customer clicks to access their purchase!

We also made a tweak to our great new affiliates dashboard. We’ve added the breakdown of affiliate clicks to checkout views, so that you can easily see the conversion rate between your affiliate link and your checkout page. This lets you easily see the amount of traffic that’s actually clicking on your buy button on your sales page to go to your cart and optimise to increase that conversion rate!

As well as this, we’ve improved browser autofill support when using sales tax in regions like Canada, fixed a bug where some Printful orders would show up as drafts, and several other improvements.

Enjoy the update and keep your eyes peeled for much more coming soon!,