Hey ThriveCart Community! It’s that time again – time for our weekly dose of updates and fixes! We’re always hard at work behind the scenes to make your ThriveCart experience even smoother. Without further ado, let’s dive into what’s new:
- Fixed certain instances of transactions being created in Stripe (Enhanced) after a purchase, but no associated order being created in ThriveCart.
- Added option for the address component of the checkout element to only include a ZIP code and no other items.
That’s it for this week’s Thriving Tuesday update! As always, we’re committed to making ThriveCart the best platform possible for you. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us at support@thrivecart.com. If there’s a functionality you’d like to see, make sure to submit that to us at featurerequests.thrivecart.com. Stay tuned for more exciting updates next week!